Beyond Class Room
For a management student mere excellence in academic performance is not enough. Excellence blended with right attitude would certainly drive a management student to succeed in the hypercompetitive job market. Hence at BIITM, we offer an array of extra-scholastic activities to develop the well-rounded persona of the future managers. The beyond-classroom activities provide tremendous opportunities to each student to show his/her profound talent and to discover the inner potential. These activities offer the right platform to the students for exploring self and the world around. The Institute has set up four different domain-specific clubs ranging from Finance (Finomics), Marketing (VipananRananiti), HR (Ankur) and Operations & IT (Optiholic) to promote the wholesome personal and academic development of the students. These clubs throughout the year organize various events, workshops and also publish e-magazine of the clubs. All these events are primarily designed, organized and implemented by the students. Apart from this, the Institute also offers add-on courses, personality development training programs, general business awareness classes, mock GD-PI, and Corporate grooming sessions, to name a few.