Advisor's Message

Advisor's Message

Pratap Rudra PattanayakBIITM is a leading B-School in Bhubaneswar and in its progressive pursuit of excellence, the institute focuses on preparing students in respect of (i) Academic Excellence (ii) Skills Acquisition (iii) Personal Values, and (iv) Social Concern. At BIITM our purpose is to create torch bearers who go beyond predictable management skills. Innovation is our motto in creating leaders of tomorrow. The discipline and the mentoring schedules followed in the daily conduct of the students helps them to imbibe the personal values of honesty, openness, punctuality, leadership initiative, team spirit, and above all, sound work ethics. It goes without saying that BIITM with its competent faculty in various functional areas, its adequate infrastructure, and its vibrant work culture produces industry-worthy MBAs who have acquired the required skill-set along with an attitude to learn and develop throughout their life...

I would, therefore, invite aspirants for MBA and their parents heartily to BIITM for an interesting and productive visit.

Prof. (Er.) Pratap Rudra Pattanayak